It also works pretty well over a major and c blues. Scale pentatonic blues 1,b3,4,b5,5,b7 fullth pattern root note a guitar tuning. There are three ways youll want to learn your major pentatonic scale forms. We can add the flat 5, b5, or blue note to the pentatonic scale, making it a sixnote scale called the blues scale. The guitar neck diagram shows you the big picture for the e minor pentatonic scale. Once learned, the player can immediately start improvising rock guitar. Blues guitar lessons the first scale you should learn how to. Blues is an irresistible tonality for a guitar player.
This is a bluesy sounding scale that is used in thousands of blues and rock classics. Tabs, fingerings, box patterns, licks, pdf and more. Each one connects to the next and continues down and up the fretboard. The e minor pentatonic scale how to play blues guitar. Played over a 12 bar blues, there are not many ways you can mess this up. They are usually the first scales beginner guitarists learn to play. Once youve got a handle on this material dont hesitate to contact anvil guitar instruction to learn how to augment and adapt these licks with notes from the full major and minor scales and with notes from arpeggios as well. Guitarists with an interest in learning to play lead guitar must learn their pentatonic scales. The scale itself is the same as the minor pentatonic with the addition of one extra note. This article and interactive web app help you learn all of the pentatonic scale diagrams. After the pentatonic minor scale and major scale, the blues scale is probably the most widelyused scale in guitar improvisation. The e minor blues scale contains the following notes. Major pentatonic licks for guitar fundamental changes.
Learn to incorporate the blues notes into the pentatonic scale. This is a g minor pentatonic scale because the first note we play sixth string, third fret is a g note. For a complete lesson on the minor blues scale, read this lesson. If youre playing the piano, the easiest way to discover the pentatonic scale is just to play the black notes. How to play the minor and major blues scales with solo examples. How to connect the pentatonic scale across the entire fretboard and use it in your solos. The fingering patterns for the minor blues scale on guitar. In fact, its so widely used that many blues artist solely play this scale when soloing. The major pentatonic scale is a wonderful, simple way to add colour to your blues playing. It is a warm contrast to the minor pentatonic blues scale and is often used right next to the minor pentatonic to suddenly lift a solo into a happier, major territory. Pentatonic scales are killer scales to play over blues. And it doesnt help piano players find this in another key.
E blues pentatonic scale all patterns created date. If you are just starting out in blues you should definitely check out this video. Below is a download link for the pentatonic scale pdf. Guitar major pentatonic scale chart printable pdf subject.
The pentatonic scale is the most often used scale for soloing and improvising in blues and rock. The e minor pentatonic scale can be divided into patterns. Strum a g minor chord, then play the notes of the g minor pentatonic scale. The root notes a in these examples are circled so that you can learn their locations. Ive included a great downloadable pdf with free blues guitar scales. Even though you will often utilize minor pentatonic scales over blues and rock jams, i suggest trying to learn additional lead guitar avenues. A blues scale once again it is important that if you are going to learn to improvise with this scale that you. This scale is used to solo over just about any chord or key including major keys, minor keys, major chords, minor chords, blues progressions, and more. Click here for instant access to the 17 page pentatonic scales chart. If you already know about the minor blues scale and would just like to know how to play it in five positions as well as the open position of e, read on. Much like moveable bar chords this scale can be moved up and down the guitar neck and the root note will determine the key you are playing. Cs relative minor pentatonic scale, a minor pentatonic, begins on the 6 th scale degree of the major pentatonic scale shown above.
The major blues scale is built by adding a b3 interval to the major pentatonic scale, forming the pattern. Pentatonic scales pdf and instructional video guitar. The e minor pentatonic scale the e minor blues scale. One of the best ways to start becoming comfortable with a new scale or pattern is to try and create a few interesting riffs with that scale. In these bass scales pdf we leave you the three most common fingering to play well this pentatonic minor scale. This pdf contains the diagrams for all the major and minor pentatonic scales in all keys for guitar in standard tuning. Various techniques are used such as bends, slides and hammerons. The major pentatonic scale is made up of five of those notes 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 of the major scale. A minor pentatonic contains scale degrees 1, b3, 4, 5, and b7. Jun 22, 2016 a minor pentatonic scale 1st position 5th fret the pentatonic scale is about as straightforward a scale as you can get. This guide maps out various pentatonic and blues scales including. Scales page the guitar scales page of this website. The 3 blues licks are free and for you to use in your own improvisation.
Major and minor blues scales guitar tab and essential licks. How to play the blues scale minor pentatonic on guitar. The blue note is the flat 5 b5 scale degree which sounds great in the blues, especially when mixed in with the minor pentatonic scale. You can get more diagrams in the tuning of your choice by using my interactive web app here. This added note gives the major blues scale its bluesy vibe and separates it melodically from the major pentatonic scale.
The a minor pentatonic comes from the natural minor scale. Pdf guitar scales major pentatonic download full pdf. This pdf contains the scale charts for the blues scale in all keys for guitar in standard tuning. Pentatonic scales with images pentatonic scale, guitar. Welcome to lesson 3 of the pentatonic scale, pentatonic blues licks.
Major pentatonic scales in open position closed mobile major pentatonic scales forms horizontal. The eminor pentatonic scale in the 1st position on the octave. A minor pentatonicblues scale weeping willow guitar. The next best way is simply to identify a major scale and then remove the 4th and 7th note in the scale. Pentatonic scales pdf and instructional video guitar alliance. But that doesnt help guitar players or any other instrument. The pentatonic scale is a fivenote scale derived from the major scale. Pentatonic scales for guitar a pentatonic scale has just 5 notes. It only includes five notes rather than the usual seven, so the construction or pattern of a pentatonic scale on your fret board is a lot simpler but with the pentatonic scale its not so much about the notes youre playingwell, of course, you still have. The pentatonic scale is used both for soloing, and for basing song riffs around. The natural minor is the aeolian mode of the relative major scale.
Despite its name, the blues scale is not only used in blues music. We are going to take as tonic the 4th string in the fifth fret, in the pitch note a the numbers are the fingers of the left hand, so, we have to master 3 ways to start the scale, with fingers 1, 3 and 4. This page includes notationtabs and scale diagrams for each position. To grab your copy of this great app, simply click on the image above. Strum a g minor chord, then play with the notes in the pattern. Printable downloadable major pentatonic scale guitar chart. Jan 02, 2017 blues guitar lessons the first scale you should learn how to.
Not bad for a scale thats two notes shy of a major. Blues scales blues is an irresistible tonality for a guitar player. The principle is to practice the minor blues scale starting on each tones of the minor pentatonic scale that are root 1, minor third b3, fourth 4, fifth 5 and minor seventh b7 keep playing the passing tone b5 on the and of the beat. The word pentatonic implies that there are five notes in these scales, and that is correct.
A minor pentatonic scale 1st position 5th fret the pentatonic scale is about as straightforward a scale as you can get. The e minor pentatonic scale is a useful and fun guitar scale to know. As your soloing gets more sophisticated, the less you have to hunt for the box patterns the better off youll be. The first scale you learn is the a minor pentatonic. I have also included the 5 box patterns you need to learn in order to memorize the blues scales in all. Much like moveable bar chords this scale can be moved up and down the guitar. Guitar coach jamming in the em pentatonic overview easy soloing. The minor blues scale is built by adding a b5 interval to the minor pentatonic scale, forming the pattern 1b34b55b7. Several typical pentatonic blues licks will be used as a starting point to develop your knowledge of the pentatonic scale. Copy them, rip them apart, turn them around and make them your own. So, for example, try creating a few guitar riffs using the g minor pentatonic scale in the third position beginning on the 8th fret. The basics of the minor pentatonic scale for guitar soundfly.
The e minor pentatonic scale how to play blues guitar with. Now we will add one note to the minor pentatonic scale and turn it into the sixnote blues scale. If you have learnt the minor pentatonic scale then the blues scale will be easy as there is only one. As you will learn, these patterns can be transferred to all keys. The minor pentatonic scale by paul tauterouff the minor pentatonic scale is one of the most commonly scales used in rock, blues, country and jazz music. It only includes five notes rather than the usual seven, so the construction or pattern of a pentatonic scale on your fret board is a lot simpler. Pentatonic scales are killer scales to play over blues and over iivv changes. Lesson 8 the e minor blues scales dvd 3 in this lesson. How to use the simple pentatonic scale to solo over. How to tell when you can use the e minor pentatonic scale in a way that musically works and.
To produce a major blues scale, you simply take the major pentatonic scale and add in a blue note, the b3 of the key. Minor pentatonic the basic box shape free guitar lessons. G bb c d f how to play the pentatonic scale if you can play major and natural minor scales, then you can also play major and minor. All of the root notes are g because this is the g pentatonic blues scale. The pentatonic scale is use primarily used for soloing. You can see here that i have added in a couple of notes on the 1st and 2nd strings, but not the others.
The minor blues scale or blues scale or pentatonic blues scale contains the same notes as the. How to play the pentatonic scale on guitar dummies. The pentatonic scale is a 5 note scale that is widely used in rock, blues, country, and other genres. Everything you need to know to play the blues scale minor pentatonic scale on guitar. In this lesson you will be learning some ways to use the pentatonic scale in a solo. You can get more charts in with custom tunings using my interactive scale generator here. Sep 26, 2018 the pentatonic scale is one of the most commonly used scales used in music. To play the blues is a fascinating undertaking because it can be both simplistic and yet intangibly tricky to master. To turn a natural minor scale into a minor pentatonic scale, eliminate the 2nd and 6th scale degrees. All of the root notes are e because this is the e minor pentatonic scale. For this chapter we will be considering minor pentatonic only.
Com the 5 patterns of the major pentatonic scale for guitar. The minor pentatonic scale, the major pentatonic scale, the minor blues scale, the major blues scale, the voodoo blues scale, the indian pentatonic scale, the dominant pentatonic scale, and the dorian pentatonic scale. A minor pentatonic can be used as a lead scale over chord progressions in a minor, c major, and a blues blues can imply a specific, sixnote scale, as well as a chord progression. The scale the magic of improvisation the eminor pentatonic scale in the open position or position 1. How to connect the pentatonic scale across the entire fretboard and use it. Nov 22, 2016 the pentatonic scales are a staple of modern rock, blues and pop music. If you were to play this scale starting on the 8th fret, it would be a c minor pentatonic scale consisting of notes c, eb, f, g, and bb. The red dots indicate a root note and the black dots indicate a note in the scale. For your convenience, i have included a pdf of all the pentatonics.
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